Master of Social Science, University of Helsinki
Special Teacher, Ministry of Social and Health Issues, application approved for competence as Special Teacher
Continuing education in University of Helsinki Seminars and tests for social political research for Doctor Degree in Social Policy
professional activities
Director for Helsinki Daycare Center for persons with intellectual disabilities (ID) Kårkulla Municipal Association – service provider for persons with disabilities
Project Manager for Association for Persons with Intellectual disabilities (FDUV) – an interest organization for persons with disabilities and their relatives.Project Manager for NSH and NVC. The Nordic Welfare Centre (NVC) is an institution under the Nordic Council of Ministers.
Development coordinator in Aspa Foundation. Responsible of the project “Personal Daily Life
Project Coordinator in Aspa Foundation for the European project “Top House” (Erasmus+)Responsible for National, Nordic and European education and projects in:
- Person centered planning (PCP)
- Person centered approach (PCA)
- Disability policy in Nordic countries and Europe
- Aging parents and intellectual disabled (ID) adult child (National)
- Aging persons with intellectual disabilities (project in cooperation with the Finnish Association of Intellectual disabilities.)
- SIVUS-Social Development method - education in Finland for ca 2000 staff members and leaders in the field of Disability
- Cooperation in projects with Finnish and Nordic associations, arranging seminars and conferences in topics of decentralization, community based services and Inclusion
- City of Grankulla and Karis :Surveys of service structure for persons with disabilities
- Family Inn-project EU-project in cooperation with EASPD and several other organization in Europe
Other responsibilities
Earlier: Member of the Board in EASPD, Coordinator for several European Projects in cooperation with EASPD - EASPD is the European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities. The main objective of EASPD is to promote equal opportunities for people with disabilities through effective and high-quality service systems. Representing EASPD in European Social Platform for NGOs
MA- Education –Research (my firm, now the name is changed to M.A. Education-Survey) Projects, Surveys and Education in Greece, Italy and Austria for staff and leaders in the field of disability of:
- Paradigm change: from exclusion to inclusion, Community based service
- Individual advocacy and empowerment
- Social inclusion, exclusion and Social devaluation
- Person Future Planning (PFP)
- Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in professional connections
- Combat Discrimination and Power use
- Staff role in services
- Organizational changes towards Inclusion and new Service Design
- Evaluation of Service
- Persons with Intellectual disabilities and severe behavior problems
- Special Education and Inclusion
- SIVUS-method (method to support persons with intellectual disabilities in the social development)
- Severe intellectual disabled persons life situation and support – Alternative communication methods
- Person Centered Planning
- Person Centered Approach
Publications after 2013
- Disability Policy in the Nordic Countries (in Swedish
- The Right to a home of my own (English)
- Så bor 80+ I Norden
- 80+ living in Scandinavia
- Create a Nordic Network for Experts of Dementia
- Dags för studier (Time for studies) – Universitet och högskolor i centrum (only in Swedish)
- Dags för jobb (Time for a job)– arbetsgivare I centrum(only in Swedish)